(17) Qué tal Alemania?

3 02 2011

I got this question a lot during the last time – by people who probably don´t know much about Germany. Qué tal Alemania? What is Germany like? What do you answer on that? Is it even possible to have a quick answer on such a question? How do you describe your country in 3 sentences? When I ask other people about it, they usually name „German beer, Sauerkraut, soccer and Rammstein“. Interesting image we got!

But what would you mention first? There is so many aspects in describing the life in a country:

  • How the landscape looks like: How high are our mountains, do we have beaches, deserts, national parks?
  • What is the weather like? How warm does it get in summer and how cold in winter? Is there a lot of snow?
  • What kind of school system is there? Do you have to pay for school?
  • Is there a social security system? Is the economy strong? How much do you earn in average?
  • What role does the religion play? Is it considered to be necessary to get married when in a relationship and if yes – at what age is that done in average? How many divorces are there? How many kids do you have on average?
  • What role does sports play and which ones are most popular?
  • What is typical food and drinks in your country?
  • Which political system do you have? Is it democratic? Is there a lot of corruption going on?
  • How are people dressed?

The list could be continued. Still which aspects are the most important and how do you explain those to somebody living in some village in Ecuador whose life differs so much in many of those things?




1 Antwort zu “(17) Qué tal Alemania?”

  • Bernhard sagt:

    Interesting questions indeed. I would add more political things like
    * what do you think about climate change / how do you guys know/care about energy wasting?
    * what is the EU like, how do you like the Euro?
    * what is your view on the US, war in Iraq, etc?

    and also random things like
    * how many people use facebook, and what is this studivz anyways?
    * what is the general level of education, do a lot of people go to university?
    * do you all speak so many languages? 🙂

    What do you answer and how do people react?

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