(24) Mastering the Death Road…. twice!

29 03 2011

Arriving in Bolivia I spent one day in Copacabana, situated on the bolivian side of Lake Titicaca. It appeared nice, but I wanted to move on, so the next day I continued my journey to La Paz. During that we had to cross the Lake:


There it goes

La Paz shows an interesting scenery. It is the highest capital in the world – lying at 3600 metres of altitude. And it is full of taxis and minibusses.
Also it is the starting point for a really thrilling adventure: Going down the so-called Death Road by mountainbike. This road leads from La Paz to Coroico and received its name as a consequence of various accidents occuring there. The road is very narrow for cars and falling off will result deadly. As a result of all those accidents the government has built a new paved road. The old road is now just used by mountainbikers and their escort vehicles.
So there we were going that road downhill for some hours and having great fun. I might want to add that for people knowing how to ride a bike the road is not that dangerous as for a bike there is always enough space.
The only bad news was that the majority of the pictures taken by the tour agency suck as the guy handling the camera did not seem to have the best clue of doing that.

Oh yes and regarding the title: Our bus driver seemed to have been suicidal and took the Death Road back up to La Paz (and not the paved road as all the other vehicles did). Our hearts froze when suddenly a car going down showed up in a turn. Well, it passed us and we arrived in La Paz unharmed but still it may have been a better idea to pick another agency for this trip, who knows how to take pictures and how to guarantee for more safety.


Some part of the death road


You’re doing it wrong!


Good to be small sometimes


The only showable group picture


Enough said




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