(43) Suit, Sir?

20 10 2011

All that is left now is to write about my time in the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, a city cherished by Ping Pong enthusiasts from all over the world. First I have to note that when I was there no flood was to be seen yet, so I was probably lucky with my timing there.

On my first visit (coming from New Zealand) my main interest consisted in seeing the various temples in the city. That was when temples still could astonish me and indeed I usually find them to be more beautiful than churches.


You cannot pass!


View of the Grand Palace


Wat Arun, ‚the temple of the dawn‘

On my second visit, that was 2 days before flying home, my main interest consisted in shopping. After a year of travelling a lot of your stuff does not look too good any more, so it is a good opportunity to stock up – especially in a city like Bangkok where you have a lot of options for a good price. Now for example the area around Khao San Road is known as a backpacker ghetto and you can get a lot of things there. It helps that they offer the newest innovation:


A driving ATM!!!

When you walk around there you will be asked all the time: „Massage?“ – „Drink a bucket later?“ – „Suit Sir?“. Finally I could not resist to the last one and the result you see here:


Germany’s next Topmodel?

After all that was done I packed my things and took a flight – home. Well at that moment the idea of going home seemed as crazy to me as going to Mars or something like that. But I really made it and the first thing I had to do when I was back was to eat a delicious Doener Kebab, which I could not get hold of for a year.



It is hard to believe that my trip is over and the return was a very weird experience. Many things seem unchanged, so sometimes I have the feeling that all this was just a dream. Or wasn’t it?
Doing this trip was the best decision I could take and I can only encourage others to do something like that – if they feel like it. As I know the step from wanting to do something to actually taking action to do it requires the most effort. Just don’t be afraid and do it!

So this is the moment to say goodbye and to thank you for reading my posts. I hope there were interesting things for you to discover and that you enjoyed reading this blog. Writing was never my strength, so I hope I could disguise that fact a bit ;-).

What will happen with me? Well, I have to make some decisions now and most importantly figure out the answer to the following question:
What should I do with my life now???
Not an easy task!




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