(34) How about a revolution?

18 06 2011

Back on the road the city of Mendoza was the next step. It is known for the wines produced in that area, so doing a bike and wine trip sounded like a good idea. You rent some bikes and go from winery to winery looking at their place and trying their wines. The wine tastings though did not end like in the in Germany well known Loriot scene.



Further east I went to Cordoba, a city cherished by austrian and not-so-cherished by german football fans. In a small town nearby I visited the house, where revolutionary leader Ernesto „Che“ Guevara grew up.


Everybody starts small

What I considered to be very interesting was the following map, which shows an overview of his travels before he went to Cuba to start the revolution there. Of course I was comparing it with my route and I discovered that we share 18 places.


Ernesto Guevara´s travels before becoming the Che

Always looking for Adrenalin I spontaneously decided to go Skydiving. As we all know there is only one cool way to do this, which is doing it like James Bond. I still chose the way most newbies get their first jump, consisting in doing a tandem jump with an experienced guide. I had to wait nearly all day until I could finally get on the plane and 15 minutes of gaining altitude later it was time to jump. My face tells all about what I thought of that idea at that moment:


I´m so excited and I just can´t hide it

Once you lose contact you really start to realize how strong the force of gravitation is. Some seconds (It felt like a minute ;-)) later I was relieved when the parachute finally opened up and the rest was calmly gliding down.


Shortly before landing

Having survived the waterfalls of Iguazu were to be visited. And quite impressive they are indeed:


You actually cannot see the part where the water meets the ground..


I canz make rainbow….

Interestingly the area is crowded with coatis who seem to have no fear of humans:


Aren´t they cute?

In Puerto Iguazu you can also walk to a point where the rivers separate the 3 countries of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina and of course I had to take a picture of that.
Thinking about that I wondered if there is even a point on earth, where you can take a picture showing territory of maybe 4 or more countries at the same time!? Of course being on a plane, space shuttle or something like that is not allowed and embassies don´t count either. I´ll be awaiting your pictures.


3 countries in one picture

Just out of curiosity I was looking how much a flight to Rio de Janeiro would cost me. The answer surprised me in a way, such that there was no doubt where I would be spending the next days…




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