About this Trip and Blog
Where are you planning to go and when will you come back?
The outline of my trip:
- Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama)~2 months
- South America (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina) ~4 months
- New Zealand ~3 months
- (Possibly, if time permits) South East Asia ~3 months
What is your motivation for this trip?
I could say a lot about this and may in fact post a separate blog entry regarding that question.
Are you planning to work during your trip?
Almost surely I won’t, the main reason being that it will keep me from travelling.
What will you do when you come back home?
I can’t say that right now but I am not worrying about that too much right now.
Why do you write in english?
The idea behind that is to make it easy for anybody who might be interested, to read it. Especially I want to try some Couchsurfing on the way and for that it might help that people can see what I am doing before they decide to invite me. Moreover I can practice my english some more.
How often will you post new entries?
Let´s see what the future brings…
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I have feedback. How can i contribute?
There is a contact button on the top. Moreover feel free to post comments on articles I post. That way I will also know that somebody is reading the stuff i write ;-).
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Look on the top right!
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