(28) About Book Exchanges

28 04 2011

There is a lot of time to kill while travelling, especially considering all those long bus rides. So reading books is a very good thing. But there is a problem: You don’t want to carry around all those books you read and also you don’t want to buy new books all the time. So book exchanges are the perfect solution. You can find those in many hostels (in book shops you normally can´t really make a good deal exchanging!) and the idea is simple: You just exchange a book you already read for one you still want to read. Of course often you have to take what there is to offer (hoping to find a specific book in a book exchange is a long shot) but as you never know how it will be before it does not matter that much I think. Be careful though: A quick look if the book is complete can be useful or you end up getting a book like that one:


Bad Luck starting a book on page 209




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