(1) I can’t get no… sleep

20 10 2010

Right now I am sitting in Cancún in the lobby of Hostel Quetzal, where I am staying for the first days . The last 24 hours have been kind of stressful:

The flight began as usual with me watching other passengers hurry to be first in a line to get quickly to a bus, which would bring them to the plane, where they would go to their preassigned seats. Congratulations to 30 more minutes of uncomfortable seating!

Well what do you do on a 12-hour-flight? Apart from filling out some visa forms, there is plenty of time to try to solve that for example:


The finger on that pic belongs to Marcos, a cook from Playa del Carmen, who had just visited his girlfriend in Germany. It was very nice talking to him and I could test my spanish a bit (and I realized I have to improve on that some more).

Arriving on the airport the main objective was to find the official counter, where the prices for the bus ticket into the city equaled those which where told to me in advance.

One sample conversation:

Me: I am looking for the .. ticket counter.

Him: … it is 156 Pesos.

Me:  No, it is 42 Pesos.

Him: …

Then he wanted to make me believe that the next bus would leave in 4 hours, because there where not enough tourists who wanted to drive to the city at that time :-).

But finally I found the official counter and got to the city and after one or another mistakenly followed direction eventually got to the hostel and was very happy to get a shower.

After hanging out on the roof of the hostel with the other guests for a while I decided to go sleeping. Unfortunately I could not realize this, as the air conditioning system was quite annoying. It was cold, windy and loud. At 6 o’clock I decided to ask at the reception for another blanket, which resulted in me at least having something like 1,5 hours of sleep. In the following months I definitely need to harden myself up against these air conditioners.

Well enough of that, I am now checking out the beach.




2 Antworten zu “(1) I can’t get no… sleep”

  • Corinne sagt:

    Bienvenidos en Mexico 😉 Kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor, die Suche nach dem korrekten Schalter… Flughafen, Busterminal, Post, etc. – ueberall das selbe.

    Reise uebrigens naechste Woche weiter: kurz zwei Staedte im Norden, dann Acapulco und die Kueste runter bis Puerto Escondido, dann Oaxaca und San Cristobal/Palenque. Ich werde deinen Blog auf jeden Fall weiterverfolgen. Vielleicht kreuzen sich unsere Wege ja in Oaxaca oder so… 🙂

    Saludos desde la Ciudad de Mexico

  • Bernhard sagt:

    coole Sache, wusste gar nicht, dass du so eine große Reise machst! Werde den Blog auf jeden Fall weiter verfolgen, bin gespannt was du als nächstes erlebst. Liebe Grüße aus Vancouver

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