(18) Eat. Play. Laugh.

12 02 2011

Before I left Ecuador I had to complete 2 more tasks:

The first one, eating guinea pig, was accomplished in the city of Cuenca.


    Great Success!

It was not very spectacular, tastes a lot like chicken but is way more expensive.

Further south lies the little town of Vilcabamba with nice hiking opportunities:


Yes, other people make videos too 😉


I like

One of those hikes brought us to a small village. And that is where I completed the second task: Playing Ecuavolley.

Ecuawhat? It`s a very popular game in Ecuador, especially in small villages. It is like volleyball, but you play on about the size of a beach volleyball field with a football, 3 on 3 and the net is 3 metres high. That way you can hardly smash the ball down; but if you think about it, that is probably a clever idea if you are as small as most ecuadorians you rather want nobody to be able to do that, than just all the people from other nations ;-).


Shoes, socks or barefooted: Which is the best outfit?


Trying to stop egoism 😉

That was a lot of fun and we nearly forgot the 6 hours of hiking we did to get to that place. If people are at least half-capable of what they are doing, it is very hard though to force scoring a point, so it can be quite exhausting.

In Vilcabamba I stayed in a german hostel with great german food. Quite nice after 2 weeks of having mostly the same food all the time. They even had Currywurst on their menu, but seriously, who eats that for dinner?

My first attempt to leave the country failed due to a bus which left 15 minutes earlier than scheduled. The second attempt did not go without complications as well, as I found out on departuring, that one of the little dogs of the owners had parts of my bagpack for dinner:


Yummy! Too bad when your bagpack feels twice as heavy suddenly 🙁

Nearly 17 hours (I guess that was not the fastest way 😉 ) of busrides later I arrived in the little beach town of Mancora in Peru. The (party) hostel I stayed in there made it quite hard to find sleep. But with the beach 5 metres away and the benefits coming with that it was still a kind of nice place to hang out:


Probably the nicest view I got so far from my bed


Sunset in Mancora




2 Antworten zu “(18) Eat. Play. Laugh.”

  • that guinea pig looks pretty nicely prepared! when i ate it it seemed … less appealing …

  • Rolo sagt:

    Where did you have it, in Xela?
    Btw I receive some comments atm like „How can you eat that, they are so cute!“. Kind of understandable though, when many people in Germany have those animals as pets. I mean I would think the same about people eating cats I guess. I have no problem though with people eating dogs in China. Dogs suck 😉
    Anyway the question is if the property of an animal of being cute makes it wrong to eat it!?

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